Because there are times in life when we need to express ourselves loud and clear, to show our strength and enthusiasm. That’s why we at RED Communication Agency believe in the magic of the color red and use it as a symbol when creating campaigns for our clients

It attracts attention, it is easy to remember and does not leave you indifferent!


We are a person-centric

PR and Communications agency

dedicated to creating successful and exciting communications campaigns for our clients

. We are part of the RED Group family. Think RED! Think RED!

Our team strength lies in the enthusiasm, creativity and professionalism of our specialists. We pride ourselves on our strong combination of strategic thinking and talent for visualising ideas, which helps us create innovative PR solutions tailored specifically to each client’s needs.

We understand that nowadays communication is a key factor in any company’s success. That’s why we combine a strategic approach with innovative and creative solutions to build and strengthen our clients’ presence in the media space.


PR & Media

We choose the most appropriate communication tools. We tailor them to your business needs. Together we create precise, clear, and meaningful messages. We challenge and manage the dialogue between you and your audiences. The actions we take are clearly traceable and measurable.

Social media & Digital marketing

We select the most accurate channels to spread your message. We use all innovative techniques and create new trends.

Brand strategy & Storytelling

We tell memorable stories that create a relationship with brands. We analyze a company's identity to uncover how its brand will best illustrate its values, goals, skills and strengths.

Event Management & BTL

We offer comprehensive event management. We conceptualize special events that meet your brand's goals, vision, and standards.


PR & Media

We choose the most appropriate communication tools. We tailor them to your business needs. Together we create precise, clear, and meaningful messages. We challenge and manage the dialogue between you and your audiences. The actions we take are clearly traceable and measurable.

Social media & Digital marketing

We select the most accurate channels to spread your message. We use all innovative techniques and create new trends.

Brand strategy & Storytelling

We tell memorable stories that create a relationship with brands. We analyze a company's identity to uncover how its brand will best illustrate its values, goals, skills and strengths.

Event Management & BTL

We offer comprehensive event management. We conceptualize special events that meet your brand's goals, vision, and standards.

Public Affairs

We develop a variety of strategies that aim to support organisations in their communication approach to different audiences and to shape a favorable public reputation. This enables them to stay abreast of important legislative changes and regulatory initiatives that may affect their industry or operations.

Corporate Media

We develop different formats and channels to communicate with the organization's internal audiences, depending on their needs and preferences. Corporate media is a powerful tool that enhances internal communication and creates a stronger and more connected work community within the organization. It plays an important role in building a successful and productive work environment.

Media Monitoring

Through media monitoring, we provide companies with a detailed overview and understanding of how they are represented in the media, as well as the opinions and feedback of audiences, competitors, and other important stakeholders.


Ministry of Agriculture

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Satisfied customers
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Veronika Nikolova

СЕО / Public Relations Expert

Lyubomir Atanasov

Managing Partner

Militza Kraynova

PR Director

Tsvetinka Lilova

Senior PR Executive

Maria Gusheva

Digital Marketing Manager

Petya Karageurova

Account Manager

Mimi Petrova

Art & Creative Director


We have been working and living with PR and communications for over 15 years now. We believe that every person can define themselves as extremely happy if they are doing what they love and practicing what they have learned on a daily basis.

There is a theory that states that one can only be called an expert in a sector when they have invested at least 10,000 hours in it. This theory has been a reality with us since the inception of RED Communication because we started the company when we had gained enough experience to share with you and your business.

We build a positive communication environment and public image for companies, their brands and employees. We create creative communication strategies, tell interesting stories, stimulate discussions on important public issues and manage crisis situations.

Make your inquiry to us, and we will address your business in detail before our meeting!



– Public Relations & Media
– Corporate Communications 
– Brand Strategy & Storytelling
– Brand Identity & Corporate design
– Social Media & Digital Marketing
– Events Management, BTL & ATL Advertising
– Media Monitoring & Reputation Management
– Crisis Communications
– Employer Branding 


RED Communication Agency

Sofia, 68 Budapeshta Str., 1202
Plovdiv, 2V Velko Shopov Str., 4023 [HQ]
Email: office@rca.bg
Tel: +359 887 115 666


PR & Media

Избираме най-подходящите инструменти за комуникация. Съобразяваме ги с нуждите на вашия бизнес. Създаваме заедно точни, ясни и смислени послания. Предизвикваме и управляваме диалога между вас и Вашите публики. Действията, които предприемаме, са ясно проследими и измерими.

  • Връзки с обществеността
  • Връзки с медиите
  • Дигитален ПР
  • Писане на прессъобщения
  • Разпространяване на съобщения до медиите
  • Организиране на пресконференции
  • Медийно планиране
  • Медийно купуване
  • Отношения с инфлуенсъри

Social media & Digital marketing

Подбираме най-точните канали за разпространение на Вашето послание. Използваме всички иновативни техники и създаваме нови трендове.

  • Стратегическо планиране
  • Създаване на съдържание
  • Управление на социални мрежи
  • Създаване на реклами за социалните медии
    (Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tik-Tok, Pinterest)
  • Управление на контент календар
  • Имейл маркетинг

Brand Strategy, Storytelling &
Employer Branding Communication​

Разказваме запомнящи се истории, с които създаваме отношение към брандовете. Анализираме идентичността на компанията, за да разкрием как бранда й най-добре ще онагледи нейните ценности, цели, умения и предимства на компанията ви. Чрез създаването и управление на Emloyer Branding стратегии за компанията ви, ние ще осигурим позитивна комуникация на компанията ви както с вътрепните аудитории, така и с въшните аудитории.

  • Анализ на бранда
  • Определяне на целевата аудитория
  • Разработване на бранд стратегия
  • Изграждане на бранд идентичност
  • Израждане на стратегия за развитие на бранда
  • Създаване на увлекателни истории за бранда
  • Създаване на Employer branding стратегия
  • Управление на онлайн присъствието на бранда

Корпоративна комуникация
& Event Management

Предлагаме услугите свързани с корпоративна идентичност, отговорност, репутация, събития и управление на кризисни ситуации. Изграждаме за вас дългосрочни стратегии за бизнеса ви, дигитални стратегии с цел брандинг, познаваемост, продажби или B2B стратегии. 

  • Изграждане на корпоративна идентичност
  • Създаване на бранд комуникационна стратегия
  • Подобрение на репутацията на компанията

    В направлението Event management създаваме концепцита ви за специални събития, които отговарят на целите,визията и стандартите на Вашия бранд:

  • Планиране на събития
  • Организиране на събития
  • Управление на събития
  • Логистика на събития
  • Анализ на събития
  • Популяризиране на събития
  • Мениджмънт на спонсорство
  • Измерване на възвращаемостта

Public Affairs

Разработваме разнообразни стратегии, които целят да подкрепят организациите в техния комуникационен подход към различни аудитории и да формират благоприятна обществена репутация. Това им дава възможност да бъдат в крак с важни законодателни промени и регулационни инициативи, които могат да засегнат тяхната индустрия или дейност.

  • Стратегическо планиране
  • Идентификация на ключови заинтересовани страни
  • Лобиране и комуникация
  • Анализ на политически и обществени тенденции
  • Създаване на кампании и инициативи
  • Мониторинг и оценка
  • Правителствени и обществени отношения

Corporate Media

Разработваме различни формати и канали за комуникация с вътрешните публики на организацията, в зависимост от нейните нужди и предпочитания. Корпоративната медия е силен инструмент, който подобрява вътрешната комуникация и създава по-силна и свързана работна общност в организацията. Тя играе важна роля в изграждането на успешна и продуктивна работна среда.

  • Вътрешна корпоративна комуникация
  • Корпоративна визуална идентичност
  • Уеб дизайн на вътрешни медийни сайтове
  • Създаване на журналистически екип
  • Видео продукция
  • Интернет телевизия
  • Фотография и дизайн

Media Monitoring

Чрез медийния мониторинг предоставяме на компаниите детайлен преглед и разбиране за начина, по който те са представена в медиите, както и за становищата и отзивите на публиката, конкурентите и други важни заинтересовани страни.

  • Медийно планиране
  • Медиен анализ
  • Репутационен мениджмънт
  • Конкурентен анализ
  • Кризисно управление


PR & Media

We choose the most appropriate communication tools. We tailor them to your business needs. Together we create precise, clear, and meaningful messages. We challenge and manage the dialogue between you and your audiences. The actions we take are clearly traceable and measurable.

  • Public Relations
  • Media Relations
  • Digital PR
  • Press releases writing
  • Press releases Distribution
  • Press conferences
  • Media Planning
  • Media Buying
  • Influencer Relations

Social media & Digital marketing

We select the most accurate channels to spread your message. We use all innovative techniques and create new trends.

  • Strategic planning
  • Content creation
  • Social Media Management
  • Creating social media ads
    (Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tik-Tok, Pinterest)
  • Content calendar management
  • Email marketing

Brand strategy & Storytelling

We tell memorable stories that create a relationship with brands. We analyze a company’s identity to uncover how its brand will best illustrate its values, goals, skills and strengths.

  • Brand analysis
  • Defining the target audience
  • Brand awareness
  • Building brand identity
  • Creating compelling brand stories
  • Employee branding strategy
  • Online Reputation Management

Event Management & BTL

We offer comprehensive event management. We conceptualize special events that meet your brand’s goals, vision and standards.

  • Event planning
  • Organizing events
  • Event Management
  • Event Logistics
  • Event Analysis
  • Event Promotion
  • Sponsorship management
  • ROI

Public Affairs

We develop a variety of strategies that aim to support organisations in their communication approach to different audiences and to shape a favorable public reputation. This enables them to stay abreast of important legislative changes and regulatory initiatives that may affect their industry or operations.

  • Strategic planning
  • Identification stakeholders
  • Lobbying and communication
  • Analysis of political and societal trends
  • Creating campaigns and initiatives
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Government and public relations

Corporate Media

We develop different formats and channels to communicate with the organization’s internal audiences, depending on their needs and preferences. Corporate media is a powerful tool that enhances internal communication and creates a stronger and more connected work community within the organization. It plays an important role in building a successful and productive work environment.

  • Internal corporate communication
  • Internal corporate communication
  • Web design of internal media sites
  • Creating a journalistic team
  • Video production
  • Internet television
  • Photography and design

Media Monitoring

Through media monitoring, we provide companies with a detailed overview and understanding of how they are represented in the media, as well as the opinions and feedback of audiences, competitors, and other important stakeholders.

  • Media Planning
  • Media analysis
  • Reputation Management
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Crisis Management